Kick Out The Candy And Sodas: Turn Your Office Breakroom Into A Health Food Oasis

It's not a great idea to stock the office break room with sugary sweets, sodas, and chips. While these foods are fine in moderation, they are not things that should be a daily snack. These foods might taste really good, and provide an energy boost, but they are not a healthy source of energy. People who are sitting at a desk for hours at a time working on computers might need to feel energized, but they should not have to rely on sugary caffeinated drinks and sugary sweets. Instead, you should outfit the break room with healthy alternatives. Here are three things you should consider.

Get A Juicing Machine

Fresh juice is way better than a soda. It isn't filled with caffeine and sugar, but it does have loads of vitamins and antioxidants. If your break room has a refrigerator, you can stock it with pre-cut apples, celery, carrots, and baby spinach or kale. Then your employees can make a quick juice at lunch time. The best style juicer for an office is a masticating style juicer. These don't have blades; they have a large auger that presses the liquid out of the produce. They are also quiet and easy to clean. Older style juicers that use tiny little sharp blades require delicate cleaning that your employees might not have time for. An auger juicer can be cleaned off super quickly by running the screw-press under the faucet.

Install A Blender For Smoothies

While juicing is healthy, it might not be the easiest thing for employees to do on their lunch break. If you think it's a bit cumbersome or time consuming, you might want to take a different angle. You can stock the freezer with frozen berries and then get a small blender. This will allow your employees to make super healthy smoothies. They can bring in their favorite yogurt, add almond/soy/rice milk, whole milk, or even coconut water. For the athletic types, they can even add their own protein powder to the smoothies. The benefit to a blender, as opposed to a juicer, is that smoothies don't require as much prep (just empty some berries or a banana into the blender and add milk and or yogurt) and when you're done, the clean up super easy.

A Vending Machine with Healthy Snacks

Finally, you should get a vending machine for those employees who don't want a fresh juice or a smoothie. They might not want to do any prep work and would prefer a simple, easy snack that they can grab and then get back to their desk. So rather than a get a vending machine that offers candy, potato chips, and other unhealthy snacks, choose one that is stocked with healthier offerings. These might include granola, packets of healthy nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans), dark chocolate (a healthy alternative to milk chocolate that will satisfy those with a sweet tooth), and dried fruit. Contact a company like Austin Human for more info about healthy vending machine options.
