5 Signs You May Have A Calcium Deficiency

A calcium deficiency is a serious issue, and many people don't know they're lacking in calcium until something negative happens. While there's no substitute for official testing by a physician, there's signs of calcium deficiencies that you should pay attention to.

1. Easily Broken Bones

If you have a very minor accident that leads to a fractured or broken bone, it's a possible sign of low calcium. You have to maintain the calcium levels in your body so it doesn't leech calcium from your bones. If that happens, your bones will become brittle and break easily.

2. Chronic Muscle Cramps

If you find you're suffering from muscle cramps a lot, then you could have a body lacking in calcium. In fact, chronic muscle cramps and muscle discomfort can mean you have a serious deficiency, not just a mild one.

Calcium helps muscles to move and contract. When calcium levels are low, it creates conditions that cause the muscle cramps. This can also lead to seizures.

3. Brittle and Peeling Nails

If you find your nails breaking easily, or painfully, it may indicate a lack of calcium. Your nails may also start peeling frequently, which is still a sign of calcium deficiency.

Your nails store calcium, and if you don't have enough in your body, it will start to take it from anywhere it can get it, nails included. When that happens, you will start to experience a lot of problems with the health of your nails.

4. Toothaches and Cavities

A body starved of calcium will attempt to get it from your bones and teeth. If it starts to take calcium from your teeth, you can develop cavities, toothaches, and periodontal diseases. Even if you take good care of your teeth, you can still develop cavities if you don't have adequate calcium levels in your body.

5. Fatigue and Lack of Sleep

A body lacking in calcium will fatigue easily. However, that fatigue will not lead to good rest. A lack of calcium can cause insomnia and inadequate sleep. This can also lead to mental disorders, as well illness.

Always keep in mind that calcium is tied to various processes in your body. While many people understand how it works with bones, they fail to see just how significant calcium levels are for other body functions.

All of these signs, and more, can hint at the possibility of low calcium. For people that truly need it, calcium rich foods, and calcium supplements can help. However, it's important to first see your physician to ascertain if it's really a calcium deficiency, and how much calcium you might need.

For more information, you will want to contact a company such as AlgaeCal Inc.
